Well Proz
Well Proz Care Experience

Create a Care
Your Patients
Will Love

WholeScripts is proud to announce its partnership with Well ProZ, an all-in-one e-commerce platform built for healthcare professionals. With Well ProZ, you can provide better patient experiences and grow your practice with easy-to-use, advanced technology at your fingertips.
Not a WholeScripts practitioner?
Register right away to gain access to our more than 300 high-quality supplements and herbal brands. Once approved, you can start sending recommendations to your patients.
Already a WholeScripts practitioner? Improve patient engagement today!
For the first time ever, you can offer Vibrant America clinical lab testing, practitioner-grade WholeScripts supplements, your own services, and more with shipping, fulfillment, and logistics all done for you in a single platform.

The Well Proz Platform Delivers

Well Proz Revenue
Unlock New Revenue Streams
Converting leads into new patients is easy with a mobile-optimized store that simplifies the order process. Dispense virtually or in-office!
Well Proz Experience
Delightful Patient Experience
Offer your patients a simple, seamless digital experience right at their fingertips. Deliver custom bundles featuring your services, thousands of professional-grade supplements, and a vast menu of specialty wellness lab testing.
Well Proz Store
Your Branded Store- No Coding Required
Create and publish the beautiful online store of your dreams in just a few clicks. Then, tap into expert marketing services from Z Pro to optimize your website, improve patient relations, and grow and scale your practice.

How To Get Started with Well ProZ

Get started with Well Proz!
Step 1
Request a demo.
Step 2
Complete a brief questionnaire about your practice and goals.
Step 3
We get to work creating your shop while you focus on your patients.
Step 4
Get to know your new online shop at a virtual webinar and schedule a launch date.
Step 5
Launch and promote your shop! Choose to work with an optional Z Pro marketing expert, use our custom marketing templates, or create your own.

Why WholeScripts?

One-stop ordering and recommending. Save time and effort by getting the very best products with the highest-grade ingredients all in one place
Exclusive XYMOGEN Formulas
WholeScripts is the only place to recommend or order XYMOGEN formulas.
Save it for Later
Preserve protocols, patient recommendations, and reoccurring order information to use again.
Patient Recommendations
Send patients individualized protocol recommendations via email or text.
"I highly recommend WholeScripts because they are the only nutritional site that offers XYMOGEN formulas. I know WholeScripts' customer service and order fulfillment is top notch."
Learn More About WholeScripts